@article{oai:uuair.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013644, author = {栗原, 俊輔 and KURIHARA, Shunsuke}, issue = {54}, journal = {宇都宮大学国際学部研究論集, Journal of the School of International Studies, Utsunomiya University}, month = {Sep}, note = {text, 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper, This journal intends to examine and identify the potential agenda for initiatives beyond a framework of Project Cycle Management (PCM) through a project “Supporting Program on Activation of Child Education through Collaboration with Youth Generation in Tea Plantations of Sri Lanka (February 2018 – January 2022)” conducted under Grassroots Technical Cooperation of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), especially logic and consistency within Project Design Matrix (PDM). In the process of designing a project, PDM provides a view of a project from the overall goal, project purpose, outputs and to activities in logic with consistency. The case study of the project in the tea plantation estate community in Sri Lanka puts the limelight to the unsolvable problems under the important assumptions and pre-conditions within PDM. If there are long-term problems to solve in the target community, the assumptions should be tackled in order to maintain as stable within the project period, even though the root causes for the problem still remain unsolved after the project period. Thus, the journal concludes as the initiatives for solving the root causes for the problems that cannot be settled within the project period should be identified in order to design the strategic, long-term plan, rather than relying only on institutional donors.}, pages = {1--16}, title = {Project Cycle Management から見るプロジェクトを超えた取り組みの課題 JICA 草の根技術協力事業「スリランカ紅茶プランテーション農園における青年層を活用した学童補習活性化事業」を事例として}, year = {2022}, yomi = {クリハラ, シュンスケ} }