@article{oai:uuair.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013700, author = {小野, 晶子 and Ono, Akiko and 鈴木, 智大 and Suzuki, Tomohiro and 竹島, 愛乃 and Takeshima, Yoshino and 柏, 毅 and Kashiwa, Takeshi and 本山, 高幸 and Motoyama, Takayuki and 崔, 宰熏 and Choi, Jae-Hoon and 佐藤, 千裕 and Sato, Chihiro and 金野, 尚武 and Konno, Naotake and 宮川, 一志 and Miyakawa, Hitoshi and 尾形, 慎 and Ogata, Makoto and 平井, 浩文 and Hirai, Hirofumi and 道羅, 英夫 and Dohra, Hideo and 長田, 裕之 and Osada, Hiroyuki and 河岸, 洋和 and Kawagishi, Hirokazu}, journal = {International Journal of Biological Macromolecules}, month = {Aug}, note = {text, 学術雑誌論文 / Journal Article, Fungi belonging to the Ascomycete genus Cordyceps are endoparasitoids and parasites, mainly of insects and other arthropods. Cordyceps militaris has been used as a therapeutic drug for cancer patients. However, the infection, parasitism, and fruiting body formation mechanisms of this fungus are still unknown.Based on our hypothesis that lectin(s) is involved in the interaction between the C. militaris fungi and insects, we partially purified and characterized a new lectin from C. militaris, designated CmLec4. In addition, we searched for substance(s) in the infected silkworm extracts that could bind to CmLec4, and succeeded in purifying the sex-specific storage protein 2 as a specific binding target. To examine function of the binding protein during the process of parasitism, we investigated the effect of recombinant CmLec4 on silkworms by inoculating the protein into silkworm pupae, and found that it significantly delayed emergence compared to the control. Furthermore, cmlec4 gene knockout strains constructed in this study produced markedly lower amounts of fruiting body than the wild-type strain. All the results revealed that the lectin CmLec4 produced by C. militaris would be involved in the infection into silkworm and fruiting body formation from the host.}, pages = {303--311}, title = {CmLec4, a lectin from the fungus Cordyceps militaris, controls host infection and fruiting body formation}, volume = {215}, year = {2022}, yomi = {オノ, アキコ and スズキ, トモヒロ and タケシマ, ヨシノ and カシワ, タケシ and モトヤマ, タカユキ and チェ, ジェフン and サトウ, チヒロ and コンノ, ナオタケ and ミヤカワ, ヒトシ and オガタ, マコト and ヒライ, ヒロフミ and ドウラ, ヒデオ and オサダ, ヒロユキ and カワギシ, ヒロカズ} }